Phase 1
First Floor (entrance, office, reception, classrooms, kitchen, bathrooms, multipurpose room)
Phase 2
Second Floor (classrooms, office, bathrooms, mechanical room, building exterior)
Help bring our students home…(to our building)
In June 2023, the owners of our academic building, Jubilee Presbyterian Church, signed the building over to us. This was an amazing blessing and now we can move full force ahead with our building project. Currently, the interior of the building has been completely demolished and we are raising funds to complete Phase I. To complete Phase I, we need to raise $175,000.00. This will allow us to return to the building for our academic classes and will provide a larger space for after school programs, community engagement and we can return to providing hot lunch for the scholars.
For Phase II of the building project, we need to raise $650,000.00. This will complete the building by adding a second floor, additional classrooms, an office, mechanical room and will restore the building exterior. Would you stand with us in this endeavor? Your financial support will make all the difference in this project. Click the link below to donate today. Thank you in advance for your generosity!